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Wife,mother,sister,aunt, and friend. Living this life just to live again! :)Enjoy all things lovely!
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Monday, January 23, 2012

He Is My First Human Priority!

Good Day Ladies!! Sometimes we forget but, yes our husbands are our first human priority! As of late I have gotten into the habit of breaking my priorities down by numbers. It helps me to organize my time and duties. For instance, God is my main priority and then my husband is human priority numero UNO and my children are priority numero DOS, spiritual growth, relatives, friends, ministry,etc... is further down the list of priorities. So through out my day I am focusing on what I can do to please my first human priority, who is my husband, this is after I have had time with my MAIN priority(God, through Jesus Christ) I wash things, fold things, tidy up things because I know that this pleases my husband. I try and have dinner ready for him or at least know where we will get something to eat from(#don'tjudgeme:) I go through my day thinking of him and what makes him happy. Of course physical intimacy is something that I must prepare myself for in case he desires that. I cannot say I am tired or I don't feel like it. My body belongs to my husband and he can have it anytime he desires! :) (1 Corinthians 7:4)

We must remember that marriage is a gift from God and it is like a garden. Seeds are planted and they must be tended to in order for something beautiful to come forth. Marriages don't make themselves, we must plant seeds of love, faith, hope, etc.. in order to reap such. The bible has told me that I must be obedient to my husband, that the word of God may not be blasphemed. (Titus 2:5) I must be subject to him in all things. This is a hard concept for many wives to follow and it certainly was for me in the beginning. I had no idea how to do these things, but then I met Christ and it was through His word that He showed my how I must go about living and prioritizing my life. It was Christ who showed me that my husband must be number one and I must be submissive to him in ALL things. I now treat my husband with a much deeper reverence than I ever have before. I now see him in another light. I see him the way Christ sees him and that helps me to respect and revere him. Not because he is perfect but because God has placed him in authority over our family. I respect him for who God made him to be and I honor his position in our household. Wives if we make our husbands our first human priority we will see a change in our home environment, you will even see a change in your children. Let us lift up our husbands and even if he is not where you think he should be, that should be more reason for you to pray for him, obey him, and submit to him. God has a way of working things out when we are obedient to Him. If we submit and obey our husbands, we will see them rise to the occasion and become the men God desires them to be! We will see a change in our men, if we would allow God to change us within!

Verses to Chew: Ephesians 5:22-24, Titus 2:4-5, 1 Peter 3:1-6


  1. Oh! I needed to read this today!!!! It's so easy sometimes to get caught up in all the stuff that demands our attention and forget the "humans" who need our love and attention. Thanks for puttiing this into perspective for me! I am your newest follower. Popping over from Titus 2sday blog hop!

    1. I totally agree, Rosilind, about getting caught up in all the "stuff" that demands our attention. When I first got married that was me, I was caught up in chasing the world. God is so good and He brought me away from the things of the world and into serving the people in my own home and sphere of existence! I went from chasing, and being caught up to serving!! Thanks for following the blog!! Look forward to talking with you more!! :)

  2. Amen! Great tips to know for when I do get married. I was reading the other night about Sarah, how out of her reverence for God first was able to yield that same reverence and respect to Abraham and she was considered a Holy beautiful woman of the past. Great post!

  3. Hello Jasmine!!! Sorry for the late reply! Sarah is given to us as an example of a woman who was holy and had much reverence and respect for God and her husband. We are told to follow her pattern and other women like her. I must say that it is truly hard to find such women in today's society but I know they are out there. I hope to meet them on this side, soon!! :) Be Blessed!!
